Hackathon on R&D 2025

For further information/any clarification, please contact:

Director Technical (RD&T)
General Manager(S&T)
Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited
(A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited)
Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited
(A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited)
Gondwana Place, Kanke Road,
RANCHI - 834 031
Jharkhand, India
Gondwana Place, Kanke Road,
RANCHI - 834 031
Jharkhand, India
Phone:+91 651 223 0010 Phone:+91 651 223 1148
Fax: +91 651 223 3066 Fax: +91 651 223 1148
Web site: www.cmpdi.co.in Web site: www.cmpdi.co.in
Email: dirrdt[dot]cmpdi[at]coalindia[dot]in Email: gmsnt[dot]cmpdi[at]coalindia[dot]in