Hackathon on R&D 2025

The Government of India through its Research & Development scheme are undertaking R&D activities in Coal and Lignite sector for improvement in production, productivity, safety, quality, coal beneficiation and utilization, protection of environment and ecology, clean coal technology and allied fields.

Research projects under S&T grant of Ministry of Coal are presently being implemented by national research and academic institutions like IITs, NITs, IISc, NRSC, CSIR laboratories, other reputed universities etc. with active participation of coal and lignite producing companies, since 1975.

Number of projects completed : 330
Outlay of completed projects : Rs. 333.79 Crores
Approving Committee: Standing Scientific Research Committee (SSRC) headed by Secretary (Coal), MOC
Recommending Committee: Technical Sub-committee of SSRC headed by HOD (Mining), IIT (BHU / Kharagpur / ISM) (On annual rotation basis)
Nodal Agency: Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited (CMPDIL), Ranchi