Hackathon on R&D 2025


The Ministry of Coal (MoC), Government of India, has been supporting R&D programme in coal and lignite sector since 1976. The scheme is still continuing under Central Sector Scheme Research & Development (Science & Technology).

The Ministry normally supports projects of shorter duration (1 to 3 years), the findings of which, if completed successfully, can be used directly for commercial use and benefit to the industry. However, in exceptional cases, research in newly emerging and front line areas of Science & Engineering and projects having long terms implications are also supported.

There is a specific S&T guidelines for implementation of the projects. The S&T Guidelines have been issued from time to time, since 1976. These guidelines have been revised by the Ministry and its Standing Scientific Research Committee to make it comprehensive and in line with latest development.

Broad areas for undertaking R&D activities are:
  • Improvement in production, productivity and safety in coal mines,
  • Coal beneficiation and utilization,
  • Protection of environment and ecology
  • Clean Coal Technology
  • Other related activities.

Standing Scientific Research Committee (SSRC) of the Ministry of Coal under the Chairmanship of Secretary (Coal) is the Apex body to plan, programme, budget and oversee the implementation of research projects and provide financial support for all activities related to Research and Development project. The committee is assisted by a Technical Sub-committee of SSRC.

Central Mine Planning and Design Institute, Ranchi, a Mini Ratna Subsidiary Company of Coal India Limited is the Nodal Agency for coordinating and monitoring of S&T projects of MoC.